The CIMA Professional Qualification comprises three pillars of domain knowledge divided into three levels of achievement.

The levels are Operational , Managerial, Strategic. When combined with the required practical experience, the CIMA qualification ensures that the members are business ready. Syllabus and related assessments will ensure that CIMA qualified finance professionals are competent in their accounting, finance and other skills, and confident in using them to add value to the many organizations in which they work.

At each level students study subjects across three pillars. The three pillars represent specific areas of knowledge. The content of each pillar develops as students move up the qualification. The three pillars are interlinked to provide a coherent body of knowledge that will equip successful students with the competencies they require.

The Enterprise Pillar

It shows students how to use their understanding of costs to construct budgets, make decisions about prices and capital expenditure, manage costs and manage performance. It develops the ability of students to progressively identify, classify, evaluate and manage risk.

The Performance Pillar

uses the tools and techniques of management accounting and risk management to ensure that strategy is realistic and to monitor its implementation.

It shows students how to use their understanding of costs to construct budgets, make decisions about prices and capital expenditure, manage costs and manage performance. It develops the ability of students to progressively identify, classify, evaluate and manage risk.

The financial pillar

focus is the financial accounting and reporting obligations of the organization. Subjects in each learning pillar are designed to be sequential, from operational to strategic level, encouraging the progressive development of knowledge, techniques and skills.